Nailed it! The Radio City Music Hall show featuring the three would-be gods was appauling while the NYPD was burying one of it's own nearby (37 miles).
New Zealand is looking pretty good right about now.
Nailed it! The Radio City Music Hall show featuring the three would-be gods was appauling while the NYPD was burying one of it's own nearby (37 miles).
New Zealand is looking pretty good right about now.
Listen up. Learning doesn't hurt unless you mess with the wrong mofo.
Free speech? Isn't that an antiquated concept to too many of us. You know, like men using the men's room? Male athlete's competing against other males. Boys liking girls. Sanity?
Elections have consequences said the man who weaponized government agencies to protect him from voters.
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The video proves him right.
Time for some active-duty infantry to be deployed. An invasion is an attack, no matter what the Biden clowns are selling.
Buy some ammo.
I thought it was a crime to question the results of an election.
That is, it IS a crime if the questions come from an enemy of the marxists posing as democrats.
Oh, and it's not illegal to conduct government business using a private server with flying monkeys in tow.
Typical leftie, always avoiding the truth.
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I say we ship him out of the country yesterday. You know, for his own safety.
We've been on to the big lie for quite a while.
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Why is that any shots fired in the direction of terrorists happen to hit schools and hospitals only? Does anyone actually believe that claptrap? Moreover, why do media outlets even report such obvious bullspit?
Speaking of bullspit, let's have some fun with our marxist-dominated democrats. Stuff like this: Who murdered more innocent people? Ted Bundy, Charles Manson or Janet Reno? Yeah, you know.
Here's a good one. Russia invaded Chechnya during the Dubya years, Crimea under Barry Oblahblah's watch, Ukraine with Biden as mumbler-in-chief and took not one inch of foreign soil during Trump's term. Yup!
If illegal invaders shot my neighbor dead, there would be no outrage coming from the sissified left. But if I (ole born-n-bred) happened to put a few high-velocity rounds through that very same neighbor, the apoplectic cries for new gun laws would be deafening. Bite me.
I filled my gas tank yesterday. Thanks to our failed president dedicated to destroying our fossil fuel capabilities, it cost me more than it cost for Fani Willis to try to cover her big, wide fanny. Difference being, I'm not going to be terminated and disbarred.
I see Nicki Haley has finally come to her senses. Not really sure what that was all about. So, now we march on to November, to the end of Oblahblah's third term. Eff him.
Speaking of greats, here he is...