Opinions need not be feared nor suppressed.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Scare tactics

No matter where I go, what I watch or what I read, I keep running into a particular phrase over and over again. I first encountered it in print after it was uttered by a high-ranking congressman, a democrat naturally. And then it kept coming up on those cable news outlets. It even eked out of the president’s mouth. And now it has finally trickled down to the local blog scene.

It seems that if you are opposed to, or suspicious of any minute detail of Barack Oblahblah’s expedited health care reform plan, you are quickly accused of dealing in “scare tactics.” Apparently, the sheeple are trying to tell us that, if passed, this plan will be wonderful, next to perfect and we’ll all live happy, more productive and much cheaper lives. Just like that. And no objections will be allowed. Compliance is mandatory.

So shut up and pay your escalating taxes!

And no “scare tactics” should be tolerated from those us of who seem to have this painfully annoying habit of providing for ourselves. Yes, during our ongoing revolution, the rugged individuals among us must be exposed as the liars, and cheaters, and scoundrels and the more fortunate that they obviously are. You’re either with the emasculated, or you’re against them. So get to snipping right now!

Well, I really hate to have to rain on the misdirected vilification parade, but it’s obvious that most or all of you devote leftists need to catch up on some necessary homework.

First of all, your fearless leader is from the old Marxist school, the School that teaches the Cloward-Piven strategy of orchestrated crisis, which was introduced to young radicals during the 1960s by Columbia University professors, Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. The same radical environment that also motivated Saul Alinsky to pen Rules for Radicals. Remember him, one of the fearless leader’s longtime associates? Remember? Guilt by association, you said after receiving the new talking points from on high?

The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.

Sub-prime mortgages, anyone? ACORN, anyone? Expanded welfare roles, anyone? Open borders, anyone? The ACLU, anyone? Organized labor, anyone? The war on poverty, anyone? The bottomless pit that is education, anyone? Cap and trade, anyone? One-hour health care reform, anyone? Global warming, anyone? Democrats? Anybody?

Hey, didn’t the fearless leader go to Columbia, too? Gee, I wonder. I wonder how many times he shared a roach clip with those two revolutionaries? Or is that guilt by association, also?

Now, when you consider that not only the fearless leader himself, but most of his higher-profile friends and associates as well as his elected colleagues are relentless in their efforts to paint capitalists and capitalism as unchecked evil that needs to be combated for the greater good of the people, the Cloward-Piven strategy of effecting a peaceful revolution is not so easily dismissed when you are forced kicking and screaming to recall that Barack Oblahblah’s then incoming Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, stated outright his desire to make political hay with the ongoing travails of the U.S. and global economy:

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

So, what Emanuel is suggesting is that uncertainty and fear would work to the administration’s advantage while it rapidly undertakes the dismantling and remaking of the U.S. in every possible sector of the economy. While it, redistributes the wealth, if you will. If you can work the populace into an agitated frenzy by making every problem into an impending, exploding crisis, you can then accomplish radical change at breathtaking speeds.

Put another way, you can then jam ill-conceived and ill-thought-out change down the throats of the unknowing, unarguably ignorant, usually docile public. Yes, once you work the populace into a frenzy, you can capitalize upon the uncertainty and fear you did your level best to create and perpetuate. You can win the political day by way of purposely manipulated, dare I say…scare tactics?

As far as accusing the more rational and sensible within our ranks of using scare tactics as a way of defeating this future health care boondoggle in the making is concerned, the way I’m seeing it, most of the more vociferous arguments against the creation of Blue Oblahblah Cross are coming from within the ranks of the democratic party. Yet, the folks in favor of the plan, the closet Marxists, the easily-led, the terminally partisan and those that are ill-prepared to do for themselves, are attempting to blame that other political party for the entrenched resistance?

Sorry, girlies, but that’s disingenuousness bordering on flat-out prevarication. If you want me to not chuckle and chortle at your expense, you’re just going to have to do better than that. And get back to doing the necessary homework again so as to not sound so fatally gullible and so easily duped.

Scare tactics? You’re serious?

The undeniable truth of the matter is, the democratic party holds the patent on scare tactics. The democrats are to employing scare tactics what Babe Ruth was to womanizing between hitting tape measure home runs. Every problem becomes an emergency. Every problem is a fast-growing crisis. Everything borders on being a big, fat lie.

Scare tactics, my skinny ass!

So, in the future, please, please, I implore you, please try not to sound so completely intellectually meaningless.

Good luck with that.


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