Opinions need not be feared nor suppressed.

Friday, October 16, 2009

PA GOP to Petrilla: F-U!

October 16, 2009 Contact: Michael Barley
For Immediate Release (717) 234-4901

PA GOP: Luzerne County Dems Up To Same Old TricksLuzerne County Commissioner

Maryanne Petrilla Working To Rig Election For Corrupt Democrat Machine

HARRISBURG – Republican Party of Pennsylvania Spokesman Michael Barley questioned Luzerne County Commissioner Maryanne Petrilla’s recent actions and comments regarding Luzerne County’s attempts to rig the election for the corrupt Democrat Party and its candidates on November 3rd.

“It’s no surprise that Commissioner Petrilla is willing to protect the entrenched Democrat machine in Luzerne County,” Barley said. “This is the same former Democrat Controller who failed to raise any red flags regarding the web of corruption that has surrounded the Luzerne County government. It was, after all, under Maryanne Petrilla’s watch that debit cards were being misused and no-bid contracts were being handed out as political favors. Frankly, her inability to report these glaring problems with our county government while serving as an elected official make her incompetent at best.

“Like the rest of the Democrat leaders, it seems that Maryanne Petrilla would rather ‘play along to get along’ then put actually serve the people of Luzerne County. Just look at how cozy Maryanne Petrilla is with Tina Gartley, a candidate who has been hand-picked by the entrenched Luzerne County Democrat machine to help them maintain the culture of corruption in Luzerne County.

“It’s time for Commissioner Maryanne Petrilla and the rest of the Democrat cronies to finally accept responsibility for their questionable actions.”

# # #

Michael Barley
Communications and Technology Department Director
Republican Party of Pennsylvania
Phone: (717) 234-4901 ext.115

Editor's note: Um, it's hard to argue with any of that. Petrilla is the former do-nothing, eyes-rolled-back county controller turned majority commissioner chairman feigning concern now that it's her legacy (ass) on the line. In addition, she's now gone party first/county second on us.

I say kill 'em all (politically) and let Bufalino sort 'em out.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hard to argue with?

Here's a laughable claim: "... Tina Gartley, a candidate who has been hand-picked by the entrenched Luzerne County Democrat machine to help them maintain the culture of corruption in Luzerne County."

Hand picked? Perhaps someone should inform Mr. "Barley-knows-what-he's- talking-about" in Harrisburg just how little support Tina Polachek Gartley has received from the "machine." She'll win on November 3 in spite of the Dem establishment, not because of it...