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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Essentials only

the white zone is for essentials only...

How does it feel to be amongst the growing hordes of 'non-essential' peoples? Non-essentials, get it? Move to the Falklands. No, not Malvinas...Falklands! You do realize your toilet paper rations will be reduced, yes?

Now that the U.S. is becoming the epicenter of a worldwide pandemic, how smart do those whining, accusatory democrats sound now? Enforcing the border security is mean and racist and bigoted hate said those squealing under-the-influence snowflakes. No more toilet paper for them. Besides, they'd likely roll it and smoke it as part of a medical toilet paper sham.

I really am losing the urge to watch more videos of people acting badly at retail outlets. It's as embarrassing as it is discouraging. Thing is, it's blatantly obvious that plenty of people are in serious need of a long overdue beating.  The intellectually limited...they're everywhere! But not in the trailer parks where they belong.

But have no fear, kiddies...the democrats are sending checks so we can all buy some medical morphine vape oil. Oh, and some Pink Floyd as the perfect accompaniment.

I see we may have to vote via snail mail come November. If that comes to pass, Queen Hillary just might pull this thing out. And with the National Guard having been deployed already the last thing we need is a reboot of the Clinton/Reno Justice Department death squads. 

Bitter, clinger, right-wing freaks.


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