Opinions need not be feared nor suppressed.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

WBPD ride-along pics

To the hapless putz who stupidly asserted that I was telling some rather tall tales when I mentioned my three ride-along adventures with both the Wilkes-Barre PD and the Plains Township PD, I offer the following pictures, most of which have never been published before today:

Unlike the vast, vast, vast majority of citizen journalists, I do not search the Internet for pictures to accompany my posts. Rather, I post the images that I alone captured.

No, I did not copy that picture from MySpace.
No, I did not copy that picture from Facebook.
No, that picture did not come my way of any twit wasting away on Twitter.
Nope. That's not an image I captured from YouTube.
Wow! Look at that. Rather than fight with a barrel-chested guy known for fighting with the police, they took the guy at gunpoint. No "police brutality," mind you. But I'm sure some limp-wristed cop-basher would cry brutality simply because the police dared to unholster their firearms.
Nope. Once again, that's not a picture I snagged from the Internet. It's simply an image of something I witnessed first-hand, in person, and courtesy of the WBPD.

Look, I've been called many, many disparaging things over the course of my blogging "career," most of which were real side-splitting inaccuracies. Call me this, that and call me everything that is not publishable while grandmom is still alive, but don't dare to be so completely clueless as to call me a liar.

Because a liar I am not.

And to "Chief" Steve Corbett and his legion of dimwitted, inexperienced callers I would have to ask, did you see any overweight police officers in any of those pictures? No? Well, then. Y'all stand corrected yet again. So what else is new?

And this ends our correction of the hapless putz, and all of the other ill-informed police bashers out there.


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