Opinions need not be feared nor suppressed.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy (urgh!) Easter

First off, let us dispense with the perfunctory mention of the holiday, shall we? Ready?

Happy Easter!

Yes, I’ll admit to going through the motions of piling chocolates and the like on top of Easter hay for the kiddies, and then the grand kiddies. But Easter was never a holiday I could get too excited about, save for the religious significance of the day when I was much, much younger and led off to church by the ear.

Is that child abuse? You know, having your domineering grandmother trying to rip off an ear?

Anyway, you have been served.

Did anyone notice this one: Police: Cameras catch Illegal immigrant's drug activity

This is the first reported arrest that stemmed from the monitoring of the new surveillance system in Wilkes-Barre. Or should I say, the first time someone was caught in the act of committing a crime by way of the camera network.

The excerpt:

When police approached, Sampson was uncooperative and tried to reach into his waistband. He gave police the name Solomon Gaymon, which they knew was false. When he was arrested, police found a small container in Sampson's waistband that held suspected cocaine packaged for resale. Police also found on Sampson a false Pennsylvania ACCESS card under the name Solomon Gaymon, documents showing he had applied for a Social Security card under that name, and a birth certificate from South Carolina with the name Solomon Gaymon.

When he was live-scanned at the Kingston police department, his fingerprints proved his identity as Sampson.

So the illegal guy had a PA Access card as well as a Social Security Card and a fake birth certificate. And yet, Congress is telling us that they are going to legislatively exert downward pressure on health care costs? Really? Ya think?

Meanwhile, half of the civilized world is jumping our borders, seeking out and receiving benefits they have absolutely no rights to.

And the guy from Guyana will probably be deported with a satchel of cookies, so that he can learn from his mistakes and effect his return to America and start the fraud all over again.

Don’t worry, though. Congress will save us oodles and oodles of money while turning a blind eye to the illegal invasion of benefit usurping criminals. It’s not a melting pot anymore as much as it is a pot of gold at the end of the border trail.

And I see that Interpol and the Department of Homeland Bureaucracy are now concerned about suicidal “implant” bombers.

Yeah, you got it, boobie bombers. Instead of having implants inserted where god forgot to insert larger than average mammalian protuberances, surgeons (?) sympathetic to the demented cause will instead insert explosives. Insidious.

So consider that the next time you’re taxiing up the tarmac while enjoying some woman’s unusually proportioned bosom one row back.

I’m not sure as to how you go about defending against these sorts of top-heavy girls, but if they decide to adopt a hands-on approach, I will step up, do my patriotic duty and volunteer.

I’m not afraid of these boobs.

I actually agree with County Commissioner Steve Urban (Henny Boon will faint) that we should be disassociating ourselves from Lackawanted County’s favorite plaything, it’s Triple AAA baseball franchise. Divest, baby. Divest.

Since day one, since the construction of the multi-purpose stadium and the Phillies’ arrival at Montage, we’ve had no control over the day-to-day operation of any aspect of any of it. We’ve been allowed to make no impact on the financial decisions that were made. And we had no discernible input while the Stadium Authority was systematically losing the Phillies’ affiliate.

And now that the Yankees’ are demanding that significant enhancements be made to the playing surface--$15 million worth--now, now the neighbors from up north are allowing us to play, provided that we cough up $7.5 million in advance.

NOT!!! Not this county, not this county trying to stave off financial insolvency.

I say we vote with our feet.

And what’s up with this constant drumbeat, this constant noise about connecting Scranton and possibly even Wilkes-Barre by rail to points yet to be determined?

Trains? Passenger service? Really?

This is straight out of La La Land, much like that Wall Street West gibberish before it. Gee, if we could just tap into New York City, all would be fine in NEPA, and it would be a model of success to be copied the world over. A great example of politicos talking for fear of not having something important-sounding to say rather than actually thinking.

Meanwhile, the locals are bitching and moaning about having the big city types arriving by the carloads, which means also bringing with them the very worst aspects of big city living--drugs, gangs, crime and worst yet…people with permanent tans.

People in this area want economic progress far less than they want to return to the days when every neighborhood looked like Donna Reed’s black-and-white suburban, whites-only utopia.

And I’ll end with a quote from Barack Oblahblah that I stumbled upon over the weekend. This is as utterly clueless as it is stark in revealing the anti-free market, anti-capitalist mindset of this charlatan.

What drives the economy is certainty. And every time he gets to flapping his oft-flapping gums, he adds nothing but uncertainty.

And after spending my entire life in the private sector, and working for some companies with the customers as well as the employees in mind, his comment is not only certifiably untrue, it is patently absurd.

Without further adieu…

“No company is gonna make investments for a public good.”

At least he's consistent, all government all of the time.

Now who was it again that sent me that particularly smarmy email when I said the purpose of the bureaucracy is to meet the needs of the ever expanding bureaucracy?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Harold Jenkins wrote
at 2:24am yesterday

It is odd that she listed me there. We talked for a really long time about topics all over the place, including my thing with the stained glass windows of my church. (I'll be scanning and posting that article someday.) At one point I was droning on about something, I forget what, and she saw Mark Cour heading out the door, and she thought he was leaving, and she was like "Omigod, I wanna talk to him before he goes!" and ran out the door after him. Turns out he was just going out for a smoke, so the two of them smoked and talked together for a while - and all that came of that was a quote that makes him seem really bitter about the whole thing. (He went on at length about this on his own blog.)

Glad she included NEPA Blogs there, too, since that's the link site where we try to list ALL the local bloggers.