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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Walter Griffith's 9/15/09 press conference comments

Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and Members of the press.

Today we are here to announce the unity of the Republican Party to make a change in the way our State and County Government is being operated and managed, as well as the ethics or lack thereof, of the people that are currently being removed from office and removed from places of Leadership.

The Luzerne County Government has been dominated by a “One Party System” that has had control of our County for far to long, and have tarnished the image that once was our most precious and admired County Government.

The County Judicial System has been reduced to a constant investigation of Corruption and several Elected Row Offices have been removed and employee’s resigned, due to the exposure of corruption in our Government, and what is the common thread throughout this entire investigation and corruption? The people were all part of a “One Party System”

The Luzerne County Taxpayers deserve a better government and the Republican Party is here today to announce that on November 3rd 2009 the voters of this County are prepared to take control of their government by electing people that have a HEART to lead and a desire to serve for no other reason but because they want to make Luzerne County the best and most accountable County in the State of PA.

My name is Walter L Griffith Jr and I am asking for your support on November 3rd as your County Controller. The County Controller’s Office is a place where we need a true leader and person with a desire to serve the people and not the powerful politicians in government. I have been a lifelong Republican and have never changed my party affiliation to gain the favor of the politically powerful , and I have a proven track record of always thinking about what is best for the taxpayers.

The Acronym of the Luzerne County Republican Party is HEART which stands for Honesty, Ethics, Accountability, Reform and Transparency ,which represents the core values of our party in these difficult times in our County . This is what I represent in my personal business and this is my pledge to all the people of Luzerne County, on how I would represent the office of Luzerne County Controller and will always have my office open to the taxpayers that are paying my salary to represent you in the Controller’s Office in Luzerne County.

I promise to represent the taxpayers “Full Time” all the time. I will not hire a person that is a direct relative of my family, and will be a manager of the Controller’s office to make it the most efficient and productive as possible. I will represent the taxpayers on the salary board and will scrutinize each and every contract to make certain the taxpayers are never being taken advantage of because of faulty contracts.

On November 3rd please vote to change Luzerne County to a two party system once again, and elect Walter L Griffith Jr to the office of Luzerne County Controller.

“A Leader for the People and not the Politicians”

Walter L Griffith Jr.

Editor's note: I'll be there at 6:55 am on the 3rd.


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