Opinions need not be feared nor suppressed.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Sewage Outflows still an issue

This one is like revisiting my time in the war. The Lake Kanjorski War, that is. While I was but a lowly private, I did come to know the legendary general.

Susquehanna River Sentinel

And the mighty congressman done took a mighty fall.

1 comment:

Kayak Dude said...

That general guy was a left-leaning tree-hugging environmental subversive. He walked 13 miles to Gas Stock. Can you believe that? He left micro-bits of his "Made in China" sneakers all along the way from Nesbitt Park to Dallas to further pollute Mother Earth. Word is...he's a secret member of the Green Party and is planning a comeback now that the "Supreme" Court Nazis have emasculated the EPA. Stay tuned, brother.