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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

March of the baby killers

As was predictable, thanks to the Ho vs. Wade correction, the Democrats are threatening us with yet another wave of rioting. Since the communists assumed control of this political party, rioting and lawlessness have been tirelessly used to disrupt and distort every step of the way. Straight from the commie playbook: get em angry, get em in the streets and hope for the spark that ignites a revolution. ........ This time baby killers will lecture us about constitutional rights. Yeah! As if our founding fathers could envision a day when American women could not keep their legs closed. ...... Just so I,ve got it straight, You dont want your children killed by guns while scalpels are readily availble. Right? ....... Enjoy the arson and looting. Enjoy the stolen tv upgrade. Enjoy the bissful ignorance. ........ Oh, and eff off! ######## Man. These Fire tablets suck. Typical loss-leader garbage. ....... Later

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