Opinions need not be feared nor suppressed.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fedrule Judge: Illegal "aliens"

To all the leftist pantywaists who cannot bring themselves to mouth the words “illegal aliens,” dig this from the Associated Press…

ACLU: Detainees owed bail hearing after 6 months

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Immigrants fighting deportation should not languish in U.S. detention centers for years without bail hearings, civil-rights lawyers argued Monday in a U.S. appeals court.

The American Civil Liberties Union, representing a Pennsylvania man now held for nearly three years, suggested a six-month window for such hearings. Cheikh Diop is fighting deportation to his native Senegal over a 1995 drug case.

"We think, under any reading, three years of locking somebody up without a bond hearing is unreasonable," ACLU lawyer Judy Rabinovitz argued to the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court.

Justice Department officials object to any set time limit, saying hearings should at most be ordered on a case-by-case basis. Immigration judges need flexibility to assess each situation and would be overwhelmed by the six-month rule, they said. At least one other U.S. circuit has said each case should be reviewed for "reasonableness."

"One size doesn't fit all," Justice lawyer Theodore Atkinson argued Monday.


"I tend to agree," Judge Julio M. Fuentes said. "(But) I start to wonder what is 'reasonable' when the position of the government is we can detain aliens indefinitely."

So, according to a federal judge, “aliens” are subject to deportations because they entered the country illegally. Therefore, one must conclude, they are illegal aliens.

Undocumented immigrants? Not according to the judge. Nice try, though.

Only on the planet of Kumbaya do undocumented immigrants exist.

Toke up, girlies.

While driving past the Fedrule courthouse here in Wilkes-Barre this afternoon, I came across an illegally-parked vehicle that was detailed as follows: Ponte-Al-Dia.com/Breaking News En Espanol

Seems they made the trip from Philly in hopes of reporting that those Gringo cops from Shenandoah were convicted.

I wonder if they made the trip after the double murder on Wyoming Street in Hazleton last week. Nah, probably not. The perpetrators of that heinous double murder were not gringos.

As far as being parked illegally goes, it seems to be a recurring theme for some.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pantywaists? You better watch that he knows judo.