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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Storm

Somehow, everybody missed this anniversary date.

When we invaded Grenada on October 25, 1983, I was in a labor room of the maternity ward at Nesbitt Hospital pretending to be tending to my wife as she delivered my daughter Ebon. Truth is, I was fascinated by the fact that I was watching warfare--live--on CNN. Never before had I watched war unfold as it was happening on the television.

When we rolled into Iraq from Kuwait in 1991, my neighbor had one of those early satellite dishes that were as big as Europa, and I caught a few more snippets of live warfare going down, only this time totally uncensored. And suffice it to say, these sorts of adventures are definitely not for the feint of heart.

Anywho, if nothing else, you need to follow this link.

Desert Storm + 20

Some see it as derring-do. Some see it as a sacrifice. But most of us never go and do it.


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