Opinions need not be feared nor suppressed.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Frickin' frackin': Part 2

"You're not senate material. You're not even mayoral material."--WILK's Steve Corbett on Wilkes-Barre Mayor Tom Leighton, Friday, 1/29/2010

So three names are mentioned as possible successors to retiring state Senator Ray Musto, but only one of them gets ripped to shreds. Corbett's personal vendetta continues.

I suggest these two meet in a cage wearing boxing gloves, with no referee, no rules, and the proceeds go to a charity. A Wilkes-Barre-based charity, that is.

Yeah, the proceeds could go to a homeless shelter for aging hippie burnouts.

Since the moving vans are probably parked in front of Kayak Dude’s Web site, and since he provided the following news snippets concerning Marcellus gas drilling, I figured I’d post them here for your review.

Natural gas truck stopped on Bradford County road weighing 41.6 tons over weight limit

By Jason Whong •mailto:•jwhong@gannett.com • January 28, 2010, 10:45 pm

The driver of a natural gas industry service truck that was more than 41.6 tons over the weight limit on a Bradford County road received more than $25,000 in traffic citations Tuesday, according to state police in Towanda.

Police said Kevin Parsons, 44, of New Albany, Pa., was the driver of the truck found parked on Covered Bridge Road in Burlington Township. The road has a posted weight limit of 10 tons.
"We've had so many problems lately with blatant (weight limit) violations," said Cpl. Roger Stipcak.

"We've tried ... to educate them about this stuff, but now we're going to start taking them forthwith to the magistrate," Stipcak said.

Police said the truck is owned by Hodges Trucking Co. of Oklahoma City, Okla., which Chesapeake Energy lists as a subsidiary on its Web site.

"It's only going to get worse with all these gas companies coming in," Stipcak said.

And once those rural roads and posted bridges are trampled under tire and need to be rebuild, who pays for that? Not the drilling outfits. Not the owners of the leased properties. No, that would then become the problem of smallish, cash-strapped boroughs, and townships, most of which are sparely populated.

In addition, there’s a serious safety consideration. With trucks running that far in excess of the posted weight limits, you have to wonder about the maintenance of these vehicles, naming the air brakes.

Subject: more Compressor Station Hell videos

A young family in Eastern Ohio is suffering from intense noise and vibrations from the natural gas compressor stations 300 yards away from their home, they have to sleep in their basement most nights to be able to get a full night of sleep. Blowdowns occur over 20 times a week, sound levels reach above 95 dBA inside their home, windows vibrate. This has been going on since 2004, and has gotten incredibly bad since 2007. The company, Dominion, doesn't care, the government authorities are turning their heads and saying its not their jurisdiction, the burden of proof is on this young family.

New videos from the family here...


The EPA's noise department was shutdown in 1982, and the only remaining federal authority which can regulate noise is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commisssion (FERC), but FERC rules of an "average 55dBA" may not apply to the worst plant, East Ohio Dominion, because that natural gas transmission company only "cleans" and transports gas locally (by cleaning I mean the plant removes contaminants from raw gas, it is a mini-refinery, hence the intense air pollution at sites in DISH, TX). Health effects of noie are numerous but for adults include cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, behavioral changes, irratability.

In fetus loud chronic noise causes birth defects. In tests of baby chicks who are subjected to loud noise the chicks do not exhibit normal peeping behavior, in young rhesus monkeys subjected to loud chronic noise the monkeys exhibit anti-social behavior. Children nor adults, nor especially pregnant women (since their child will be physically affected for their entire lives) should be living near a natural gas compressor station. For more information on health effects of noise see
nonoise.org for more information on laws regarding noise and other video links regarding compressor stations please see my previous post on this topic, check out nonoise.org, or contact me (nastassja)

A readers comment first, then the story...name deleted by MC.

Explosion or blowout? If that "tubing" that was uplifted was drilling
pipe, it is in 30' lengths and weighs 500 lbs. From the account, no
telling how many lengths were in the string that lifted, but there can
be a lot of energy released in a blowout. Blowouts can more
destructive than explosions. Assuming that Chesapeake is correct that
uplift was brief, it is possible the uplift was stopped when the
blowout preventer kicked in.

On Jan 28, 10:01 pm, Lisa Wright


The incident involving a Chesapeake energy natural gas well this morning in Tuscarora Township was not an explosion, a company spokesman said early this afternoon.

Brian Grove, Chesapeake's director of corporate development in Towanda, in a prepared statement, described what happened as "a brief but forceful uplift of tubing." He specifically denied that the phenomenon was an explosion.

Three employees of a contract company were transported to a hospital, he said, but none had critical injuries.

"There was no release of any materials that could be harmful to the environment and the situation presents no danger to the public. This is all the information that is available at this time," Grove said in the statement.

According to transmissions over Wyoming County 911 communications at the time of the incident, an explosion took place at the Mowry well site of Chesapeake Energy on Clapper Hill in Tuscarora Township.

One person was thrown in the air 30 feet, and suffered back pain and injuries to his wrist and another individual sustained back pain, according to preliminary reports.

Emergency crews were called out, according to the scanner transmission, but there was no visible fire. Laceyville Fire Chief Scott Fisher refused to comment at mid-morning, saying he would need to finish his report first.

Jim Vajda. Bradford County's Emergency Management Agency director was re[ported on the scene and unavailable for immediate comment.
This seems to be the ‘norm when there are incidents at gas drilling sites. No one seems available for comment. And no one wants to comment. The EPA usually releases a noncommittal cookie cutter comment. And the gas company involved says, ‘All is well. Have a cookie.’

This would be a nice thing to live right next to, especially when you consider that after the neighbors lease their lands away in hopes of becoming modern day Beverly Hillbillies, you would be powerless to stop it.

Photos of gas flares/ Flaring a Marcellus Gas Well

All is well. Have a cookie and a glass of tainted water.



Anonymous said...

as much as i would like the opposite, in the ring Corbett would be victorious over the fat drunk

zorcong said...

Yeah, maybe you're right.

Corbett does have that martial arts thing going on. God knows, he won't stop telling us about it. Day-in and day-out, I know karate.

"I know karate. I do know karate.
Stay away from me because I know karate."

And as experience has taught me time and again before the cops could arrive on scene, almost all of those hard guys professing to be disciples of martial arts really, really think they're bad-asses. They really, really do.

Right up until they get pummeled into submission by, ahem, lesser men, and then get thrown into the back of the paddy wagon.

Fat drunk, aging hippie, tough guy wannabes all, whatever--I say let's get it on. If nobody with a shiny badge is watching, let's do it. Let's rock!

But, of course, if the fat drunk said "Let's get it on," the fast-aging tough guy pretender would have to check with his ultimate master--his commie wife--before declining yet another invite to display his, um, "skills."

I know karate.

Yeah, infamous last words.

qazse said...

I am thoroughly enjoying your blog and sense of humor.

Thank you for listening to Corbett and reporting on it. I can take about five minutes of him. It is like listening to some loud drunk at a diner. I'd rather listen to my tinnitus.

I started a blog this week called FrackMountain.com. It is more an informational entry point. Hopefully(yeah right)it will cause some cognitive dissonance for those Back Mountain citizens who see natural gas drilling as a fairly vague and benign phenomenon, and get the chips while your up - American Idol's about to start. I hope to put up some signs in the rock cut.

Karate is to Corbett
as PhD is to Savage