Opinions need not be feared nor suppressed.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ethics Awareness Initiative

From the email inbox:

Wouldn’t it be refreshing to think positively about restoring integrity to our community? I’m one of many people who have been working on an Ethics Awareness Initiative for Luzerne County. The Initiative, cosponsored by the Ethics Institute of NEPA and Leadership Wilkes-Barre, aims to raise awareness of the value of ethics and integrity in public life here in Luzerne County.

As our local public corruption scandal deepens, those of us working on this Initiative recognize that people in positions of power and influence, not ordinary citizens, have committed these crimes. However, ordinary citizens have accepted or tolerated dishonesty and corruption as part of our local culture. Isn’t it time for ordinary citizens to change the cultural norms and accepted behaviors of our community, by recognizing and rewarding honest and ethical behavior and by refusing to tolerate dishonesty and abuse of power in public life?

The Initiative begins with a kick-off event next Tuesday, May 4th at the Kirby Center from noon to 1 pm. Our goal, by the end of 2010, is to have hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals sign an Ethics Pledge (attached). I hope you are among the signers. Beginning May 4th, the Ethics Pledge can be downloaded or signed at
http://www.ethicsawarenessluzerne.com/. This Website will include discussion guides for all ages to jumpstart discussions in workplaces, schools, community meeting rooms, places of worship, clubs, social organizations and living rooms across Luzerne County. The Website will also list everyone who signs the Ethics Pledge. (Public officials and candidates, please take note!)

You’ll be seeing more about the Ethics Awareness Initiative in the local media. Please help spread the word, use the Website, and let us know your thoughts or suggestions about next steps.

Many thanks.

I was all settled in at 7 p.m. and ready to watch the WILK talkers on WVIA TV.

Nancy looked like a young, pre-Ziggy Stardust David Bowie. Webster looked like a nine-year-old Little League rookie anxiously awaiting his turn to play his league-mandated two innings in right field. Sue seemed to have been overdone by the makeup people. And Corbett looked like he needed a bath.

But not long after they got into a few issues, the usual parade started.

Duke from Dallas: "Haliburton" did it.

Kurt Shotko: Critical thinking, drum circles, hashish for everyone... I have no idea what idiocy he was selling tonight, because my eyes glaze over and my ears close the bulkheads when he gets to babbling.

Frank Scavo: God Bless America! Land that...


Off went the television.

After a bit of the baseball box scores, the still radiating radio caught my ear...

"I'm such and such and I write the ____ blog..."

Off went the radio.

With the exception of the committed newcomer and his informative new blog, it was the usual parade of shameless self-promoters.

But if he was not in attendance, someone else would have sauntered up to the microphone and said, "I'm such and such and I write the _____ blog at W W W dot..."

Jeez oh Pete!

Talking with the Talkers?

Been there, done that. And done with it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm such and such...

glad to see you are still going strong! been busy with tv appearances and record deals...