Opinions need not be feared nor suppressed.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

PPFA: Leighton dared to defy us

This is fun...

From the email inbox:

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Wilkes-Barre Township, PA -- John Yudichak, Democratic State Senate candidate in the 14th Senatorial District, received the unanimous endorsement of the Pennsylvania Professional Firefighters Association (PPFA). The formal announcement was made today by Art Martynuska, President of the Association.

“The Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association always supports those public servants who expound public safety, like John Yudichak,” said PPFFA President Martynuska. “Additionally we will oppose those who don't put the safety of those we're sworn to protect first.”
The Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association’s endorsement is the third major endorsement for Yudichak in the past three weeks, following the unanimous endorsements of the Fraternal Order of Police Wyoming Valley Lodge # 36 and the Northeastern Pennsylvania Building and Construction Trades Council. As State Representative from Luzerne County for the past 12 years, Yudichak has forged a strong record of support for public safety institutions in northeastern Pennsylvania, including securing $750,000 in state funding for the construction of the Luzerne County Community College’s Public Safety Institute, which has provided state-of-the-art law enforcement and fire fighting training to more than 1,500 aspiring public safety professionals since its opening in 1997. The Institute is certified as a Pennsylvania Fire Service Certification Program field test site, allowing it to conduct state and national certification tests. It has provided training to the National Response Team of the Arson and Explosives Division of the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

“I am truly humbled and honored to have earned the endorsement of the PA Professional Fire Fighters Association,” said Yudichak. “The safety of the citizens of northeastern Pennsylvania has always been a priority to me. Our police, fire fighters, and first responders are heroes in my book and are deserving of our respect, support, and gratitude. As State Senator, I will continue to fight for increased public funding for those who put their lives on the line, 24/7, to ensure our safety.”

The PA Professional Fire Fighter Association represents more than 10,000 paid professional Fire Fighters throughout Pennsylvania. The association represents firefighters in such towns as Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Harrisburg, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, New Castle, York, McKeesport, Williamsport, Bethlehem, Easton, Sharon, Warren, Bradford, Washington, Oil City, Lehigh Valley International Airport, Lancaster, Chester, Hazelton, Allegheny County, Allentown, Ambridge, Altoona, Butler, Chambersburg, Connellsville, Johnstown, Hanover, Greenville, Swissvale, Meadville, Norristown, Reading, Titusville, Aliquippa, Beaver Falls, Carbondale, Coatsville, Corry, Dormont, Dunmore, Franklin, Lebanon, Luzerne County, Manchester Twp., Nanticoke, Springettsbury Twp., Spring Garden Twp., Jeannette, Wilkinsburg, Upper Darby, Uniontown, Wilson Boro, East Whiteland Twp., Upper Moreland Twp., Whitpain Twp., Bellevue, Peters Township, East Goshen, Wyomissing, Berks County and Washington County.

Pennsylvania’s Primary Elections will take place Tuesday, May 18th.

CONTACT: John Yudichak

That's a big surprise, ain't it?

Whoopee! John Yudichak secured some grant money, which was expected of him all along when first he went off to Harrisburg (while he used per diems to purchase a home) so he's deemed to be a champion of "public safety."

And I just love this intentional shot across the bow to the elected and those aspiring to be elected everywhere...

“Additionally we will oppose those who don't put the safety of those we're sworn to protect first.”

Translation: Mo' money, yo?

Not so veiled code for, if you fu>k with public sector unions (the bull), you get the horn. Yeah, a shot over the bow of Leighton, who addressed public safety by hiring two new platoons of police officers, as well as financing the acquisition of countless new PD vehicles.

Oh yeah, and he did renovate 2 long-neglected firehouses, he did finance the building of a brand new one, and he did replace all of the city's rusted and aging fire engines. All a part of his 5-year plan to rapidly modernize our outdated apparatus and facilities. There was that.

So the unionized firefighters far and wide decided to band together and punish Wilkes-Barre Mayor Tom Leighton for daring to balance his budgets no matter what. And for also refusing to deficit-spend no matter the relentless pressure to do so from within his own fire department.

He's got a record as an executive. And Yudichak's got a record as a legislator.

Tom Leighton, the executive, has done everything within his power to balance the budgets, restore this city's bond rating, and not further burden the taxpayers with increased taxes during the undeclared Great Depression II.

And Yudichak, the legislator, well, he and his in Harrisburg have resided over tax increase after tax increase after tax increase after fee increase after fee increase, and Pennsylvania is still fast headed towards a fiscal crisis. Oh, but he secured some grant monies we don't really have anymore.

You figure it out. Hint: Public sector unions believe that the private sector (us) exists only to meet their incessant demands.

If you're mulling a run for an elected office at some point, learn from this lesson.

If you mess with public sector unions, your name quickly becomes Candidate Mud.



Anonymous said...

you said it best, the two fisted drinking mayor is an executive not a legislator. he is not a consensus builder and doesnt work well with others.

zorcong said...

He doesn't work well with others?

So he secured the financing for and completed high-profile project after high-profile project, with more to come, but he doesn't work well with others?

Sorry, but your assertion doesn't make sense.

As for myself, I'll take leadership over consensus at every turn.

"Consensus is the negation of leadership."--Margaret Thatcher

Anonymous said...

legistlator don't lead... the mayor should run for lt. gov or governor. mayors make shitty legislators.

zorcong said...

Actually, if you bothered at all to consider Pennsylvania's extremely fragile and volatile financial situation as it now stands, you'd have to conclude that our current crop of per diem-engorged legislators make for sh*tty legislators.

And I'd surely love to hear what you based (?) your laughably ill-advised latter comment on.

Enlighten us.

Anonymous said...

Hy mark you forgot Tom M. the other mayor you LOVED. These where all his idea,s not this want a be. Maybe you should stop jumping on the band wagon,and go up,

zorcong said...

Yeah, the former mayor was big on ideas. The only problem being that they never got off the drawing board.

All his ideas? Incorrect.

It was the current mayor's idea to bolster the ranks of the PD, the force that the former mayor allowed to dwindle to the point where we had shifts with a total of 3 patrol cars on the streets...3!

And rather than replace our failing fire engines, he acquired a toy of a hovercraft large enough to carry a couple of GI Joe dolls.

Maybe you should get some of your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

You were much more sincere and fair when you were on the outside looking in. Now that you are in bed with the current administration, you refuse to see its faults. You are like an abused wife that just won't see the bad in her abusive husband. The people of WB miss the Mark Cour of old.

dave said...

New fire engines are great...but who's gonna drive them? No new fire department hires in 8 yrs, while 40 new employees hired at city hall. Surprised you weren't one of them.. And by the way....anyone who put's my safety or my family's safety at risk by not providing the proper emergency service portection.....yeah....they get their name turned into mud!

Anonymous said...

Well tell me Marc, what did you really expect from the PPFFA? Leighton closed three firehouses and replaced them with one. The fire fighters lost their strategic edge and margin of safety. He allowed it's man power to drop through retirements, requiring overtimers to be called for nearly every shift, even though the department was greatly reduced. On top of that he reduced the departments operating budget knowing full well what the overtime situation had been costing in previous years. Meanwhile, he handed out millions in tax payer dollars (in various forms) to the realestate kings of the downtown, despite the fact that these folks are the wealthiest people in the valley. And he purposely violated the Constitutional rights of an activist (who was trying to keep the Heights station open) expecting that she wouldn't have the funds to fight back. So much so that the City's insurance carriers feel that the Mayor himself should be financially responsible for a portion of the jury award.The Mayor, ofcourse, claims he's broke and can't afford to pay.

Would you really expect any proffessional oraganization to support a man with this track record?

Anonymous said...

BTW, I think the firefighters are showing increadible restraint in the wake of Tom's assault against them in the media. But then again, their union pres. owes his salary and position to the Mayor. So they must walk softly.

On another line, is your daughter still working for the school district? And how's that restaurant idea going? Were you able to secure any public funding for it?

Tom Mc said...

Your post is very misinforming probably because you received your info from the Mayor who you called on his personal cell phone, because you have the number. What renovations did he do to the two firehouses? He replaced ALL of the rusted and aged fire engines, oh yeah that's right there are only two fire engines in service now, down from six when he took office. Your quote, "not further burden the taxpayers with increased taxes" you better get your head out from the Mayor's bedsheets. The Mayor has raised taxes and increased every fee he could. I think you had your paragraph's crossed there blaming Yudichak. I have to agree with the earlier poster, your blogs were much more fair when you were on the outside. You can't see the loss of public safety like you use to. Remember this is the Mayor who b*tched you for helping Raup with her website.

Anonymous said...

Apparently your reading skills and common sense have diminished with age. Once again you ride the usual hogwash of the mayor. Maybe you should ask the mayor where the 13 mil tax increase of 2008 was applied for 2010. It's in his pet projects. He blamed the fire department for the increase and only established it's use to cover the arbitration award. Where is the money for 2010? Also, you've mentioned he got the ideas off the drawing board regarding McG's proposals'. If I recall, a Leighton lead counsel stonewalled his every attempt to secure funding.

Anonymous said...

Mark..still have your hosedude t-shirt??? or did you use it to wipe the brown off your nose???

zorcong said...

The brown off of my nose?

Ah...that's too funny.

You're a comedian. And Allah only knows, we all love wise-crackers too completely intimidated to attach their names to their funny commentaries posted in a public arena.

Know what I'm saying?

What's that word I'm fumbling for, that word I'm searching for? Oh, I know...pussy.

That would be you.
