Opinions need not be feared nor suppressed.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kanjo is out of it

What's up with Congressman Paul Kanjorski?

Is he too old, or too completely stupid?

I mean, did he ever have an idea backed by federal funds that actually panned out? Well, he did land the 10 million or so for his failed water-jet technology industry-in-the-making, but that "industry" was limited to his immediate family until the federal funds dried up.

From the Citizens' Voice:

W-B could host energy institute

THe excerpt: U.S. Rep. Paul Kanjorski's vision for the future of natural gas drilling along the Marcellus Shale centers on a proposed energy institute in Wilkes-Barre - a national laboratory where scientific, economic and environmental research would shape public policy and a cohesive master plan.

Kanjorski shared details of his proposal during an interview Friday with The Citizens' Voice editorial board. He said he would present the plan to President Barack Obama - whose approval could direct millions of federal dollars to fund the institute - at a White House meeting on April 19.

Vice President Joe Biden has already expressed his support, Kanjorski said. The White House media affairs office did not return telephone and e-mail messages Friday night asking for confirmation of the meeting and Biden's position on the institute.

Can you say..."jackass?"

An institute? Is he off his rocker?

The EPA, the DER and Joe Biden have no idea what the status of the requested drilling permits in Lake Township are. Oh, but, after Uncle Paul and that dimwit, Barack Oblahblah collate, well, then the institute will be developed by Kanjorski's unemployable relatives long after the drilling permits were issued. Long after the fracking. And long after the wells in the area were reduced to providing YouTube posts featuring solar flares coming from sink-mounted spigots.

It's interesting that Kanjo thinks he can somehow benefit (politically) from unregulated natural gas drilling making sophistry of the landscape and ultimately, the water supply, while Chris Carney makes nary a mention of the contamination going on in his own backyard in Dimock Township.

Carney sees no evil, hears no evil, and Kanjorski speaks no evil, unless federal funding becomes unavailable for his needy family.

They represent neither you nor I on this issue. They care not for the very specific language of the constitution of our state, nor for the safety of our pottable water supply going forward. No, what they care about is their political fortunes, emphasis on fortunes.

A national laboratory?

Bend over, kiss both your ass and your safe drinking water goodbye.

Sez me.



Donald John Williams said...

Markie: My favorite was the Marcellus "pocket". I've read a gazillion shale-related articles, but never saw that one before. He's making it up as he goes...

zorcong said...

Much like the now-defunct coal industry that left a lasting, but unwanted legacy upon these mine-scarred lands of ours, his time has come and now gone.

He's flailing all about. And I think his political handlers know as much. But sadly, he doesn't seem even remotely capable of reading the political writing on the wall.

Goodbye, Uncle Paulie. Thanks for the 20-plus years of phoning it in.

Oh, and thanks for all of the high-paying jobs that resulted as part of the water-jet technologies your highly-paid nephews and nieces and kids promised us.


D.B. Echo said...

Yeah. I always had some totally undeserved support for my homeboy, even after the "I thought we could use highway funds to build a twenty-story parkade in downtown Nanticoke, so I yanked any other funding away" debacle. But no more.

What kills me is if Kanjo had offered to do this same thing for wind, solar, or lithium-ion technology, I would have been dancing around - see yesterday's post.

And I'm glad I didn't know Urban's stance on Moon Lake gas drilling before I bumped into him at Rooney's, or I might have done something regrettable. He seems to see EnCana's demurral as a challenge to redouble his efforts to Dimockfy this area.

WVW - badinef. "Yeah, as if all the culm banks and shit cricks weren't badinef, now they want to finish the job with fracking."