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Monday, February 1, 2010

And the award goes to...



A Special Jury Prize for Documentary was presented to GASLAND, directed by Josh Fox. With spirit, strength,and a sense of humor, Fox's personal documentary takesa look at how gas drilling affects our air, our drinkingwater, our communities, and our nation.Robert Koehler of Variety wrote an awesome reviewsaying that "GASLAND will become to the dangers of gas drilling what "Silent Spring" was to DDT."And Mickey Rapkin of GQ called Josh Fox"Sundance's new Erin Brockovich": Gasland


New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued his most forceful statements to date opposinggas drilling in the city's upstate watershed. Bloomberg's NYC-DEP is urging the state to banshale gas drilling in the city's watershed. "The consequences are so severe that it is not a risk thatI think we should run. I do not think that we should allow fractured drilling anywhere near our watersupply," Mayor Bloomberg told reporters: NYC Mayor

Read more at Damascus Citizens.org

And from the Times Leader:

Full story: Rep. backs state control of drilling

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced last week an “Eyes on Drilling” tip line for citizens to report – anonymously, if preferred – anything that “appears to be illegal disposal of wastes or other suspicious activity,” according to an EPA news release.

Also, U.S. Sen. Bob Casey Jr., D-Scranton, has introduced the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act, which would close the so-called “Halliburton loophole.”
In the Energy Policy Act of 2005, hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” was exempted from the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, creating the loophole. Fracking forces water, sand and chemicals into rock formations underground such as the shale to crack the rock and release natural gas.

In a resolution introduced in the state House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee last week, Rep. Jim Christiana, R-Beaver, called for lawmakers to urge the U.S. Congress to not pass Casey’s proposal.


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